
Participating in and Supporting the GFCRC

GFCRC membership is up to any organisations and individuals interested in advancing the cause of legislative reform to protect responsible vulnerability researchers, and helping to improve the maturity of coordinated vulnerability disclosure (CVD) practices and resources.

The GFCRC member and stakeholder community consists of corporations, universities, inter-governmental organisations (IGOs), non-governmental organisations (NGOs), research networks, industry federations, cybersecurity experts, legal professionals, and many more.  In short, this includes anyone who understands the need to improve the norms, practices, and legal environment in which legitimate vulnerability research and disclosure takes place.

The GFCRC relies on membership dues contributions to fund its activities and infrastructure, and on member participation and content to help drive the global dialogue around these important topics.

Visit our Membership page for details on joining and fees.

Work Streams

GFCRC members are encouraged to align with one or more of the four Work Streams below:


  • Support university research projects investigating CVD issues experienced in diverse jurisdictions
  • Educate student and faculty vulnerability researchers (e.g. via curriculum, campus activities) on good practices and legal issues


  • Gather and coordinate industry support and input into activities and resources
  • Raise industry awareness about vulnerability treatment
  • Provide one voice for industry when informing policy makers


  • Help like-minded countries improve their policy frameworks
  • Leverage ongoing IGO activities of relevance, such as OECD’s work, to guide policy development across the world


  • Enunciate principles for legal reform on a “model” basis
  • Propose these as a starting point for legislatures / governments that are ready to clarify / amend existing laws

Activities and Contributions

Examples of activities include:

  • research assignments for Master’s students (Academia Stream)
  • closed-door sessions with industry associations (Industry Stream)
  • roundtables with technologists and policymakers, particularly with non-governmental stakeholders in non-OECD member countries (Policy Stream)
  • research and outreach work in support of non-governmental stakeholders working on legal reform (Legislative Stream)
All members are encouraged to get involved in GFCRC activities, including publications (content or editorial support), presenting CVD-related topics at events, participating in podcasts/YouTube video conversations, panels, and interviews, and reaching out to additional supporters who can help us accomplish our objectives.